Sort Alphanumeric Grid View Values

Sort Alphanumeric Grid View Values in

In gridview there is no option to sort the alpha numeric values by default. So i Google some sorting Algorithm and finally got the  good Article from - and i mixed up the algorithm with the gridview it works very well.

download the working sample example here:

C# 4.0 language Spefication doc

Download  C# 4.0 language documents from Microsoft

Disable Double Click Button

How to Prevent Double click in

The following snippets will prevent you from the Double click 

 Just use the below line code under page_load event:

cmdSubmit.Attributes.Add("onclick", "this.disabled=true;" + ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(cmdSubmit,"").ToString());

note:-  cmdSubmit should be Button Name

How to Read all blob list from the Windows Azure Storage Containers

Read all Blob List Names from the Windows Azure Containers

The Following snippets is used to read all the Blob list details from the azure containers
and also we can avoid the transport connection error while reading the huge blob list.
by the paging segment concept can able to read large no of blob list...
              ///////// Getting Blobs List if it's below than 5000 ///////////  
             TextWriter  tw = new  StreamWriter ("d:/blob_thumblist.txt" );            
             int  pagingCount = 1000;
             CloudStorageAccount  storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount .Parse(ConfigurationSettings .AppSettings["CloudStorage" ].ToString());
             CloudBlobClient  blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
             //Get a reference to the container. 
             CloudBlobContainer  container = blobClient.GetContainerReference("ContainerName" );
             ///////// Getting Blobs if's below than 5000 ///////////  
             //Return blobs using a flat listing. 
             BlobRequestOptions  options = new  BlobRequestOptions ();
             options.UseFlatBlobListing = true ;
             ////This first operation will return up to 5000 blobs. 
             ResultSegment <IListBlobItem > resultSegment = container.ListBlobsSegmented(options);
             foreach  (var  blobItem in  resultSegment.Results)
                 //writing the blob name into the text file  
             //close the stream 
           ///////// Getting Blobs List if it's more  than 5000 /////////// 
             TextWriter  tw = new  StreamWriter ("d:/blob_thumblist.txt" ); 
             int  pagingCount = 1000;
             CloudStorageAccount  storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount .Parse(ConfigurationSettings .AppSettings["CloudStorage" ].ToString());
             CloudBlobClient  blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
             //Get a reference to the container. 
             CloudBlobContainer  container = blobClient.GetContainerReference("ContainerName" );
             ///////// Getting Blobs if's more  than 5000 /////////// 
             ResultContinuation  continuationToken = resultSegment.ContinuationToken;
             //Check whether there are more results and list them in pages of 1000. 
             while  (continuationToken != null )
                 resultSegment = container.ListBlobsSegmented(pagingCount, continuationToken, options);
                 foreach  (var  blobItem in  resultSegment.Results)
                     //writing the blob name into the text file  
                     Console .WriteLine(blobItem.Uri.Segments[2]);                           
                 //getting blob list count per Paging 
                 Console .WriteLine(resultSegment.Results.Count());
                 continuationToken = resultSegment.ContinuationToken;
                 //calling next set of blob list 
              //close the stream 

How to Check Azure Blob List Exist or Not

Check Blob List Exist or Not

use the following snippet to check whether the blob is Exist or not
public  static  bool  Exists(this  CloudBlob  blob)
                 return  true ;
             catch  (StorageClientException  e)
                 if  (e.ErrorCode == StorageErrorCode .ResourceNotFound)
                     return  false ;
                     throw ;